Friday, August 19, 2016

My Time In Heaven...Part 2

I feel it's time for me to post about the 2nd part of "my time in Heaven" In case you need to catch up I have included the link to Part 1 on the bottom of this page. So please click on that that before you continue reading this...

I left off with me in (what Catholics call) "Purgatory". I call it "All Souls Place". My earthly body was dying but my soul is going to start healing in Heaven. You see, the way your body dies on earth is the way your soul heals in Heaven. When you hear people say, "my life flashed before my eyes" that is what happens when Jesus healed my mind up in the first level of Heaven. This is what I'm going to write about time on what I call the "1st Level of Heaven".

I want to talk first about the cheering and the love I felt while being lifted out of the Lost Souls Area.
It was a loud roaring cheer.  But my ears could take it. Because it was a beautiful loud cheering that I wanted to hear, it was beautiful.  And I could feel the love and the smiles. You know when see someone out of the corner of your eye. And you just "know" that they are giving you that "welcoming" smile. Well, I felt millions x trillions x billions of those + countless amounts of love. That is how it felt for me to go from the Lost Souls Area to the 1st Level of Heaven.

In the 1st Level of Heaven, my grandmother Austa greeted me with my nephew, Luke, behind her. Luke wasn't first because of the rifted between my sister and I. (That is a blog for another time) I was shocked and humiliated that my Grandma Austa met me first because I didn't always treat her very well here on earth. But she was happy in Heaven. And she was well... I don't mean "well"...I mean "WELL!" I can't say if she had a body, per say, but I know that she was beyond happy with the way she was. If that makes sense.

When she was on earth she was always searching for a man. My grandfather treated Austa and my father terrible. But my grandfather did Austa dirty. Because he cheated on her all the time. He would even bring his girlfriends home to meet her. She had horrible self worth and self esteem. Even though she was outgoing. Our relationship was always on the rocks. She was always making me upset with her words.  Such petty things, really. But she always loved me, and I never knew that, until I died.

I want you all to know that while I was up there on the 1st Level of Heaven I know Jesus was with me the whole time.Some might question how Jesus can be with everyone at once. My answer..He Can!.. He is God, and He Can. That is part of believing in Him and having Faith.

(Dear Lord, I hope this part of my blog describes Heaven to Your Will. And does it justice. I pray that it blesses others. And I pray that it pleases You. In Jesus's Name. Amen)


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