Saturday, September 17, 2016

2-Sides To Being Born?!?!?!

I would like to explain what it means to be "Born Again". It's my understanding that some people get the meaning of "Being Saved" and "Born Again" all mixed up.  That's ok, I get it.  It's our job to get God's Message out about Salvation to the world. Our purpose to help people to be choose to be"Born Again". But first let me explain what "Born Again" means in the most simple of terms. So first, let's ask God to open our heart's to understand this message please & thank you. In Jesus's Name, Amen.

If you have been following and reading my Blogs then you know that I constantly talk about how there's  ALWAYS 2-sides to everything. If there is a front then there's a back, if there is a heads then there's a tails, same with up and down, & so on. But what some people don't know is that we have an
inside and an outside. And I don't mean "skin and bones" and "stomach and heart". Yes, DUH! We have internal organs and external organs. What I'm talking about is our inside and outside is our: body and soul. The body and the soul are each other's 2-sides...and we all have them.

Have you ever had a person who picked on you or hurt you in some way? Have you caught yourself saying how that person was "ugly on the inside" even though they might be beautiful on the outside? Well, yes that person IS probably ugly on the inside. Their soul is damaged. Maybe there is some anger the mind has not let go of. Or maybe that person doesn't know Jesus yet? Those people that need the most love and prayer.

Unfortunately, for their victims, that may be the last thing in the world they want to do. I know that feeling personally. But when you tell God that your pain is too much and please take it, He Will. When we go through hard times, that is the time God wants us to rely on Him the most. But  unfortunately some people need someone to blame and they blame God instead of asking God to help with the pain. They yell and blame for God the pain instead of asking God to help them get through it. I can testify that so far in my life God has not let me down, and I don't expect He Will.

I'm going to break down the phrase "Born Again". Let's start with the word "Born". "Born" is also 2-sided, like up and down. The First side of "Born" is our body being born out of the womb. Very scientific, no one can argue with it, it's a fact. Babies are born from their mother's womb.

The Second side of "Born" is when we choose for our inner body (soul) to be born of Jesus. This is what it means to be a "Child of God". With making that choice, you are choosing to live your eternal life in Heaven with God the Father.  This mean your "soul" gets "Born Again". And I'm telling you right now... you will feel so much better. Life is so much easier with Jesus! There is no other feeling like Jesus!  When we choose and declare out loud that, "Jesus is the Son of God,   Jesus was the only person born of a Virgin,  He came down to earth to be our Sacrifice.  When Jesus died He took away our sins when He died on the Cross." In Jesus's Name, Amen. You say that, You believe that, You are BORN AGAIN!

Moving onto the word "Again" in this context means you made a choice to be washed clean by the Blood of Jesus. When you hand over your life to Christ,  right then and there "your past does not matter, I have Taken It Away". You are washed clean by the Blood of Jesus. So in fact you are being born twice. So the word again actually means twice. You are born once by your mother (body) then you choose to be Born Again (twice) by the Blood of Jesus. Even if you have only a little belief in this theory, God hears you. He knows what the Faith of a mustard seed can do.

It's very important that we do the job that we are truly created to do while here on earth and that is to get as many people's souls "Born Again". That's It! If you want to know what your "purpose is"? Start searching for Jesus and how you can tell people around you about Him.

 All I can say is Love conquerors all.

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