Thursday, January 28, 2016

Damaged Goods

Do you ever feel like no one can ever love you? Like you don't deserve to have anyone love you. You feel that way because you don't love yourself. Just that easy and just that sad.

At my old job all us "smokers" would gather around the "smokers circle" and smoke. And it was the day after Halloween and people were talking about what they did and what they dressed up as. And one girl said that she pinned trash on a jogging suit and went to a party as "damaged goods". And everyone laughed but I thought how sad. I even gave her one of those, "ooohhhh, how sad" sounds. But that was a perfect example of why we think we are unlovable. It's because we are "damaged goods"

But here is what I have found out, the damaged goods we have are really our sins! Now stay with me, because people hear that word sin and automatically are turned off. Because the word sin is such a damning thing.

Sins are the things we do wrong, whether we know it or not. Or even if we remember it or not. When we do these wrong things, and don't ask for forgiveness from God we carry that sin. The word "carry" doesn't mean like carrying a bag of groceries. It's more like a spot of dirt on a perfectly brilliant white shirt. You know where one little spec of dirt doesn't matter, so you don't clean it right away. Then you get another spec of dirt. And then another, and another. These specs of dirt are weightless but they are weighing down the beauty of the white shirt.

All you have to do is ask God for forgiveness. Jesus died on the cross so we could have direct contact with God. Before the curtain tore (when Jesus died on the cross) you had to go through the priests that were in where the arc was. and you had to make sacrifices. But you see God did the ultimate sacrifice by having Jesus die on the cross. That is the meaning of John 3:16. God gave us a sacrifice instead of us giving Him one. He gave us Jesus so we could talk with God directly. And in order to be with God forever in Heaven is to admit that God did this for us!

That's it! Why do people make this so difficult?!?! It's not! Just pray to God that Jesus was the Son of God. That Jesus died on the cross for our sins. That you are a sinner, but by the blood of Jesus I am a child of God. I invite Jesus into my heart. I declare Jesus the Lord of Lords! In Jesus's Name, Amen

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