Friday, January 29, 2016

God Made Easy

I don't understand why some Religious leaders have to make God so hard. My first point, Religion is man made, Christianity is Christ made. They make it almost impossible to live a day to day Christian life and have any thought of your own without thinking it's a sin. That is not at all what God is. And it's my goal to make God understandable by a middle class, sinful, mother, and humbled wife that loves her Lord just as much as she loves her husband. If I can understand the gifts that God gives us then you can too.

I think there's some verbiage from God that "offends" people. We are combative beings by nature. Always wanting things we can't have or more of something. And wanting to be first. We are combative people that are competing against each other constantly. Are we always wanting to be like "Adam"? The first one on earth? I don't know, maybe that is reading too much into the Bible.

But we get in that competitive nature when we think about "How dare God declare He be the only God!" and "That we worship only Him?" We are rebellious by nature also. Look at how Eve rebelled against God and Adam with the apple. Maybe it isn't us being rebellious at all. Maybe it is us standing up for something that you think is important.  Be it good or bad.

But are men only rebellious because of women? Did women introduce men to "rebellion"? If women were never created by God would there still be peace on earth? whooooaaaa.... too deep.

My point is, we as human beings rebelled and competed against God. Sin was introduced with Adam and Eve. God knows that we are sinners and not perfect. God only put Jesus down on earth as a perfect person. But we are all children of God's just like Jesus if we declare that God sent Jesus down to earth to die for us.

During all those times in the Old Testament when they talk about the sacrifices to God over and over again. They would talk about rams, cows, and goats being blood sacrifices. Well this time when Jesus died,  God was the one doing the sacrificing for us.

Like how Abraham took Isaac to the top of the hill to be sacrificed because told him to. And just when Abraham was going to kill Isaac, just as Abraham raised that blade getting his strength and will power up to kill his only son....God said, "NO! STOP!" God told Abraham what a great job he did and how he his new name is now Abraham (his old name was Abram), God gave him all of what is now Israel and some, Abraham and his wife Sarah ended up having all these kids (and Sarah and Abraham were not young at all). 

God put Jesus on the cross and Jesus had to die so we could have a relationship directly with God.
Jesus had to suffer in place of us.
 * That means the "suffering" He had would be one of your sins. So say you got an abortion. (I don't      care what side of the fence you are on, it is a sin legal or not) and say you don't ask Jesus for  forgiveness for that abortion.  And you just go about your life. One of those whippings or punches to  His jaw will be because of you. I hope that helps clear up the action and meaning of "suffering".*

That is why He was tortured.  The whippings and beating Jesus was inflicted with,...they were our sins.

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