Sunday, February 14, 2016


After having Mike look at someone else the way he is supposed to look at you is such a hard blow to my ego. And my ego was not real strong to begin with. I was always questioning my worth as a wife, a mother, and a friend. And trust me the list can go on and on, and it was always low.

I don't think men see that they are crushing their wife's self worth when it comes to infidelity. Men see it as they are just removing a "trust" issue. That a selfish view of things. Maybe to have a stranger invade your marriage there is a selfish view on both ends? Women see it as "why wasn't I enough"? Men see it as, "I needed to get my needs met". But in a marriage there is no room to be selfish, I don't think in life there is any room to be selfish.

When people are selfish that is how abuse happens. A woman is raped because a man wants to control her. It is his selfish needs. A mother abuses her children because she wants to control her children. Do you see a pattern here? It is about control! And when you are a true believer in God you give up control on those bad urges. When you do that God will take those away, but you have to be patient and let Him.

I'm telling you there is a way to know when God is telling "NO"! Ask God for help in these selfish situations in your life. Be it; money, sex, work, or crime you just have to ask God for guidance and strength. And when you get anxious, feel that warmth in your legs, and perspiration that is God! Listen to it, and DON'T DO IT! You will be amazed at how blessed your life will be.

Don't be selfish anymore, look beyond your own nose. There is a whole world out there. Won't it be great to be a blessing to someone. Won't it be great to lead someone to Christ or be that example of how to live in Christ for someone. It is not hard, you make choices everyday. Isn't it time to make some choices that will benefit your soul. And in turn will benefit others around you.

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