Monday, February 1, 2016

Why Would I????

I was thinking about what other things in my own life about God made it hard for me to follow Him. I was surfing Facebook and I saw that a Facebook friend from High School had a friend of hers die the other day. Of course I had to creep and find out how she died because she was close to my age, and I'm nosy.

She fought a 4 year battle with breast cancer and finally the cancer won. I looked at her pictures and I looked at her beautiful children. I looked all the way at pictures of her before the cancer hit and boy was she ever pretty. I then looked up her husband. I wanted to see what he had to say about his wife. I wanted to see if he said anything on his Facebook page about her passing away.

He did write about his wife and then something CRAZY! He did write about much he loved his wife...blah blah blah...that was sweet. Then he wrote how they are going to do something like keep her at home to see if her soul goes up to Heaven. If it doesn't, well then they know she really wasn't saved.  I couldn't believe what I was reading.  They are going to mourn her in one month time. This is what  he said in so many words.

I found out that he is the "founder" of this crazy religion. (Now remember what I told you all about religion? Religion is man-made and Christianity is Christ-made. They are two totally different things.)

So I had to look into this "religion" more. I found out that it doesn't teach anything about the Bible. In fact, it teaches the complete opposite. He teaches that everyone is "good" and if you are "nice" then you will go to Heaven. He taught that you don't need God to rely on in life because you have yourself. And all this other stuff totally against God.

You see that kind of stuff scares me. I know that man is speaking directly against God. I know that's a big deal! It's Blasphemy! He's leading a lot of people away from God. You have to be careful with people like that. I don't want to try to get through this life on earth by myself. Why would I? I have been through some real horrible situations and the only reason I got through them was because I called out for God's help.

Think back to an event that you survived. It can be big or small. It can be how you were able to buy groceries one week without knowing how you were going to get the funds. But somehow you did. That my friend is God. It could be that time you didn't have your homework done and you prayed to God for the teacher not to call on you and she didn't. That is God and an answered prayer. Or it could be a horrible accident you lived through and God sent for  an angel to wrap their wings around you to protect you.  But if you talk against God, He won't hear you anymore. I don't want that for myself or anyone else.

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