Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Why can't that be my family?

You know how people say to God, "God if you're real you'll stop this or do that for me right now!" And when it doesn't happen immediately like you want it to you stop believing in God. Maybe not entirely but bit by bit.  You feel let down AGAIN!

You look around yourself at church, and you see these happy Christian people. You only see them once or twice a week for 3-4 hours a day. But you just know they are that way all the time. The couples are laughing and holding hands! They really liked each other! Their kids are in every sport, plays tons of instruments, speaks 6 languages, and it that wasn't enough, they are a totally good looking family. They are the "total package" if you will. (Why can't that be my family?) And you "just know" God is immediately answering their prayers! Of course He is, look at them! God really blessed them with the upgraded deluxe "We're the perfect Family" package. (That's a joke) They are the perfect family.

No one knows what is going on in someone's mind. We don't know what's going on in someone's house when the curtains are closed. I was in this group of women who would meet at the "leader's" house, have dinner, and talk. The leader gave us all journals that we were to write in between gatherings. The discussions were very raw and a lot of tears where shed. There were 12 of us (funny I know right?!) and the statistics are that 1:4 girls suffer from some sort of sexual abuse. I do believe the number is much higher than that. Out of the 12 of us women, 8 raised their hands. I think that is more realistic. Out of those 8 some have continued be victims and some received help but all rely on God for their strength.

Everyone has protected secrets. Which leads to fear. And fear is a sin. And that sin will keep you distant from God. God gave us the tools to be close to Him. It's not that hard. It takes just as much energy to have a close relationship with God  as it is to go to the gym, cook supper, or to get ready for the day. I've seen these muscly guys at the gym working out their muscles, and I wondered do they work out their souls like that? And if they do WOW what awesome lives they must have.

Just because someone is a Christian, they don't have to give up things love to do. Things like going to the gym, fishing, or doing any activity they love. It means be patient in God, don't give Him those prayerful ultimatums. Your prayer for God's help can go something like this, "God if it is Your Will let this job work out" or whatever you're struggling in.  Another example is, "God I'm overwhelmed, I'm in need of Your Grace, please allow me to feel the inner comfort of the Holy Spirit." That I promise you will happen quickly. Be humble when you speak to God, He did create you!

As far as the  "Perfect Family", there's no such thing. I bet some wife/mom views my family as the "Perfect Family". That just means maybe she's going through an even harder time than my family. And maybe the "Perfect Family" feels inferior to another "Perfect Family"? But maybe that perfect family is a "Super Deluxe Perfect Family"!?! Now that's a game changer.

God wants to give us confidence within ourselves.  He doesn't want us to think we need any kind of outer "package". I'm perfect in God's eyes! Which blows my mind because I don't understand how anyone can think I'm perfect. But that's not my job. It't not my job to try to figure why God loves me! It's my job to celebrate in that Love and teach others about His love.  I honestly feel so lucky to have God with me at all times. I have felt the comfort of The Holy Spirit. And it is so calming and puts me to ease. He loves us and He wants us to love him above all.

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