Friday, February 5, 2016

Once a Cheater Always a Cheater!

Taking responsibility for something that you have done wrong has to be one of the hardest things to do. Especially if that thing that went wrong has to do with a loved one. You know what I'm talking about, the kind of wrong that you REALLY REALLY REALLY MESSED UP WITH. I'm talking about if you have some how hurt your spouse or significant loved one. It can be a hurt that is physical, emotional, or verbal but it's something that you just can't take is done. And your loved one is hurt. So now not only have you mess up but you are caught, it can be cheating, or you may want to take the words back if it was verbal, or you may want the bruises to go away if it was physical! But they don't because the damage has been done. What do you do now? I have no idea!

I'm going to write about cheating, because this recently has happened to me. I love my husband so much, probably too much. I was young when we met and he is older than me by 6 years. Recently he has been "helping" these women he works with at their homes. The first woman, we will call her Michelle, was going through a divorce and needed her house fixed up. So my husband fixed up her house, her car, and who know what else. Finally, I caught on and called him out on it and it was probably the worst time of my life. I lost that innocence of trusting him and he was caught. I could feel my heart being ripped out of my chest. But we worked it out. Can you believe it? With a lot of prayer and forgiveness we decided to move forward with our relationship.

Now 14 months later it's happening all over again. My husband has found another "woman in need". I say I don't know what is wrong with me, and I get corrected with he is the one with the problem. But I don't feel that way. He blames it on not having enough money and having to find side jobs. But all these side jobs just happen to be with single or soon to be single women! Yeah, I'm not buying it anymore. Hurt me once shame on you, hurt me twice shame on me!!!

The way that God fits into this is He doesn't believe in stepping out on your marriage. God doesn't want you to chase money. He wants you to chase Him and lost souls.  God says,
       Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

You see Mike can't love me because he loves money. That was the one thing that I thought I could change about him when I married him. But you can't change people. And now I'm left with this dilemma.

Please pray for me and I will be praying for you. Please don't chase money and material things. That stuff will come and go. Please pray for your soul and the souls around you. Thank you for reading my Blog I do hope you are getting something out of it. God Bless!

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